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My Background

I was born with several genetic conditions which have presented unique challanges throughout my life.  It took years to sort it all out, but with the help of DNA testing we now know which of my symptoms are cause by an inherited condtion and which are acquired because of accidents or illnesses.

The first condition we idendenfied was a genetic neuromuscular disease called myotonia congenita, or Thomsen's Disease.   Although it was a nuisance and kept me from pursuing some of my goals as a young person, it didn't become severe until I was married and had a baby.  For the next twenty years I struggled with numerous conditions, from chronic fatigue syndrome and chemical sensitivities to much more serious complications like congestive heart failure and kidney failure.  At one point I weighed 65 pounds and wasn't expected to live.  We now know I have a rare immune deficiency that keeps me from fighting viruses. There is no cure or treatment at this time, so my only option is to live quite isolated and avoid exposures.  It was really a miracle that I had survived several serious infections. 

After I finally recovered from that long period of illness and was well enough to work again (and even exercise),  my world was again turned upside down when I was sitting in my car at an intersection and got hit from behind.  The resulting injuries included a herniated disc in my neck and a brain injury.  This presented a whole new challenge including chronic pain.  I don't tolerate any painkillers so I learned biofeedback and deep breathing techniques to deal with it and this has been one of the most important tools I have found for handling stress in any form.

A few years later, after participating in a comprehensive brain injury rehab program,  I went back to work as a nutritional consultant at a wellness clinic.  While all my experiences had given me new insights into dealing with chronic illness and injury, I still had more to learn.  Three different Olympic athletes requested help as they were training for the Sydney Olympics.  Though I was able to give advice on their particular conditions, I realized that I knew a great deal about sickness, but not nearly enough about achieving optimal health. 

I began taking classes and workshops to become a certified personal trainer.  Fortunately the organization I chose for my training recognized that not everyone will be able to work out at a gym pressing 150 pounds.   I learned about the proper way to strengthen muscles and connective tissue, how to lose weight safely and permanently, and how to improve quality of life with a fitness program.  As I began to apply the principles to my own life, my overall health improved and I was able to do much more than I had imagined. 

New challenges came from a viral infection that left me with a serious lung condition causing heart failure. That put an end to my in-person work as a doula, childbirth educator, and personal trainer.  I had to reinvent myself while slowly recovering and began to focus on personal consulting and patient advocacy.  I also enrolled in a degree program in biomedical science to increase my knowledge about the body and the incredible capacity it has to heal.  Using virtual meetings has allowed me to take on clients all over the world and I cherish the friendships that have resulted.  Although I work with people who are at all different levels of fitness, most of my clients are disabled or physically challenged in some way.

I am grateful for all the experiences that have affected my life, both the negative and the positive.  They have made me the person I am today, and they have allowed me to help others with compassion and understanding.  My goal is to help you improve your quality of life, whatever your circumstances.  I think you'll find that we speak the same language.

I have done consulting for the following specific conditions as well as general health and wellness.  I don't diagnose or treat any medical conditions, but I educate my clients about nutritional options, exercise, available traditional and complementary treatments, and I help locate specialists.

Myotonia Congenita     Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome     Immune Deficiency    Autism
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome    Lyme Disease     Parkinson's Disease    
Diabetes     Alzheimer's Disease    Chronic Pain     Brain Injury     West Nile Virus    
Pulmonary Hypertension    Multiple Chemical Sensitivities     Parvovirus B19    

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